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Remembering George Floyd

Dear Bay Path Community,

Today, we remember George Floyd on the one-year anniversary of his horrific death and we think of his family and friends who have been forced to go on without him.

Although changes have been made to advance social justice over this past year, it is not enough. As a nation, we must continue our efforts to end racial injustice and demand accountability. As individuals, we must continue to ask ourselves what more we can do personally and professionally to address the wrongs in our society. As a community of compassionate educators, what more can we be doing at Bay Path? Let us strengthen our commitment to fostering justice and peace and work together toward a more inclusive world as we stand in solidarity with our black and brown friends, families and colleagues

In closing, I ask us all to find time to pause and remember George Floyd and the far too many others whose lives have been unjustly taken.

Sandra J. Doran, JD