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Students and Alumni Stories

Our students and alumni talk about their experience in the program and how it has affected their lives.

"I chose Bay Path due to the accessibility and speed at which I could complete the program. I was living 2+ hours away from Bath Path and was able to make classes work during the week and return home on the weekends. I appreciated that I was able to complete fieldwork requirements close to home. I gained so much foundational knowledge about the field of occupational therapy. I feel as though each class and the professors prepared me well for fieldwork, eventually studying for the boards and landing my first OT job post-graduation." - Alyssa Breault G'24

"I chose Bay Path because of the tight-knit community. I could tell that the professors truly cared about their students and formed real relationships with them that were long lasting, and that proved to be true! During the program, I gained confidence in my ability to be a clinician, to trust myself, the skills I learned, and the person I am to treat clients with kindness and dignity.

Bay Path helped me achieve my goals of making meaningful changes in my life and the lives of my clients. Additionally, the connections I made throughout my time are still strong, even after graduating I still meet with peers, professors, and even alumni who came before me. We all care about our community and the field we work in and that shows in our willingness to be there for each other before and after graduation." -Mallory Bauer G'24

Elizabeth Whytock Shares Her Experience

"The faculty are superb and thoroughly share the expertise they've developed in certain practice areas. The pace of learning they have set for the coursework feels entirely appropriate for a graduate program. They also granted and set up my level 2 fieldwork in Tennessee, which allowed me to continue my education while being able to visit with my extended family. Lastly, my cohort was a close-knit community, which greatly contributed to the positive experience I had while pursuing my MOT degree." - Luckario Alcide G'23

Kayla Berthiaume got her Master's and Doctorate in Occupational Therapy at Bay Path. She's been teaching here since 2017 and works full-time at the Department of Children and Families in Connecticut in a psychiatric residential treatment facility for adolescents. Part of her role at Bay Path is taking Level 2 fieldwork students from the same Master's program she took as a student to intern at her workplace at DCF. Read her full story here
- Kayla Berthiaume G'16 G'20

“I had plans to have this beautiful life in Puerto Rico, and everything changed. I’d tell someone who’s where I was to make your education nonnegotiable. I had three surgeries, my bills were behind, I had a heartbreak. And my education is what’s going to get me out of the hole. I truly believe that. I’m a better mom and a better person just because I made my education non-negotiable.” Read her full story here
- Noraida Ortega '21 G'22