Contact Info

Gillian N. Palmer, DBA
Chair, Undergraduate On-Site Business Programs, Assistant Professor of Management
At Bay Path University, we offer an honors program to match your interests! And Honors students are eligible for an Honors Scholarship, in addition to other Bay Path scholarships.
As members of a close-knit community, honors students enjoy thought-provoking seminars, small classes, leadership opportunities, and community service experiences that are invaluable for advancing your chosen career or going on to graduate school.
Housed within the Center of Excellence for Women in STEM, the Bay Path Women in STEM Honors Program (WiSH) offers a four-year curriculum consisting of integrated and advanced study and research for women dedicated to becoming scientists. Women in STEM Honors areas of study include: Biochemistry, Biology, Biology: Secondary Education, Forensic Science, and Medical Science.
The WiSH Advantage
I enjoy working with the faculty and looking at different aspects of science from climate change to the challenges that women face in terms of health. I really love the mentoring aspect of the program. The guest speakers that we get to hear from are phenomenal and extremely interesting. Logan Kaler, Forensic Science Major
How to Apply
The Women in Business Honors Program (WiBH)
Areas of study include: Accounting, Business Administration, Marketing, Interior Design: Residential & Commercial, Nonprofit Management, Hospitality Management and Small Business Development.
The WiBH Advantage
How to Apply
In your first two years: Participate in discussion-based, one-credit interdisciplinary seminars, team-taught by faculty, giving you unique perspectives from diverse academic areas such as education studies, history, legal studies, or psychology.
In years 3 and 4: Pursue academic interests through special projects or a thesis, working one-on-one with their advisor or faculty mentor.
Honors Program Advantages
I would absolutely recommend the Honors Program to new incoming students. This opportunity allows you to really grow on an intellectual level. You get to hear so many different opinions from different people and majors and it really makes you think on a global scale. It is just a fun opportunity that gives so much room for personal and intellectual growth." - Kenna Tyrrell, Honors Program Member
How to Apply
Students, including Transfer students, who qualify for the Honors Program will be invited to apply for admission to the program. Our faculty seeks to admit approximately 20-30 promising students to the Honors Program each year. Transfer students will be required to make up the one-credit courses they missed unless they participated in an honors program at their previous school.
To accept your invitation to participate in our program, please download, complete, and return our Honors Acceptance Form. Space is limited to participate in the Honors Program. Students who do not submit their paperwork before the program reaches capacity will be placed on a waitlist.
Honors Program Mission Statement:
The Bay Path Honors Program provides the academically talented and exceptionally motivated student with uniquely challenging and intellectually stimulating educational opportunities beyond the traditional curriculum. Under the guidance of faculty known for their excellence in teaching and scholarship, students investigate special topics in interdisciplinary honors seminars. The Honors Program culminates in a major independent creative or research project, or other departmental requirement.