When students graduate high school, they say their goodbyes, pack up their things, and then are dropped into a whole new world: college.
The transition from high school to college is hard enough with intense class schedules, staying on top of coursework, and the added pressure of trying to find your calling. Add on top of that the challenge of finding new friends, socializing, and trying to get enough sleep. It is a difficult change, especially if you don’t really know where you're headed. An estimated 20 to 50 percent of students enter college undecided, and even if they do choose a major right away, about 80 percent of students will change it at least once. There is a stigma around not knowing exactly what you want to do for a living, but in reality, no one really knows what they want to do for the rest of their life, do they?
I am now a junior in college and recently just turned the big 2-0. This milestone birthday prompted me to sit down and reflect on everything I’ve learned on my journey to figuring out what I actually want to do with my life. So, I created a timeline from my freshman year of high school to my junior year of college to show everything I've learned along the way. Each lesson has brought me to where I am today and has made me who I am. Hopefully by sharing what I have learned I can help others transition into Bay Path University as they, too, try to decide on a path to follow.