Marcia H. Conrad Awards Ceremony

Congratulations to our 2019 Marcia H. Conrad Award Winners! The following individuals were recognized Tuesday at our 14th Annual Awards Ceremony:
Student Government Awards:
- Club of the Year Award: Student-Athlete Advisory Council
- New Club of the Year Award: Environmental Club
TEAM Award:
Soccer Team: Caitlyn Esposito, Alexandra Silva, Arianna Silva, Carina Facchini, Aryanna Townsend, Jo Orrick, Kayla Mello, Samantha Drapinski, Alex Perkins, Lillian Doherty, Jai Ruiz, Jennifer Graham, Cassidy Nuccio, Megan Mackie, Jennifer Wilson, Jenna St. Jean, Joanna Feliciano, Tabitha Launder, Christina Correa, and Shayenne Gonzalez
Honors Program: Alexandria Kendall, Taylor Dudek, Piper O'Donnell, and Tess Gordon
Model UN:
- Harvard National Model United Nations Outstanding Achievement Award for Head Delegate and Ambassador: Caralyn Damas
- Harvard National Model United Nations Outstanding Achievement Award: Special Attaché for Cultural Affairs: Leonora Torres
- Harvard National Model United Nations Outstanding Achievement Award: Special Attaché for Cultural Affairs: Anna Abshilava
- Harvard National Model United Nations Outstanding Achievement Award: Special Attaché for Financial Affairs: Zoe Naglieri-Prescod
- Harvard National Model United Nations Outstanding Achievement Award: Special Attaché for Travel: Kiana Mcclure
Campus Theme Essay Contest Award: Anissa Nieves
Freed First-Year Writing Scholarship: Nathalie Baez
Legal Studies Award: Lara Claire McGeer
The CATIC Foundation Award: Lara Claire McGeer
John J. Kull Criminal Justice Award: Chelsea Caron
Education Undergraduate Community Service Award: Emily Rogers
Beginning Teacher of the Year Award: Undergraduate: Rebekah Herring
Beginning Teacher of the Year Award: Graduate, Special Education: Maria Londo
Beginning Teaching of the Year Award: Graduate, Elementary Education: Brenda Donaldson
Special Education Administrator Peer to Peer Award: Tara Sobaleski
Academic Achievement in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Award: Adriana Mends
Outstanding Internship Performance in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Award: Heather Chateauneuf
Professional Advancement Award in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Award: Carrina Echeandia
Psychology Undergraduate Program Service Award: Sharette Bello-Suazo
Psychology Undergraduate Academic Award: Haleigh Bassett
Thomas G. Carr Occupational Therapy Award: Carly Sullivan
ABA Graduate Academic Award: Deanna Dixon
Women in STEM Honors Excellence in Research Award: Emily Burns
Women in STEM Honors Mentoring Award: Lily Uttecht
Biomedical Scholar Research Award: Emily Burns
Bashevkin Center Award for Excellence in Peer Tutoring: Leah Frascarelli and Alexandra Poppiti
Cheryl A. Leary Award: Brie-Anne Ramey
School of Education, Human and Health Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award: Megan Fabiano
School of Education, Human, and Health Sciences Dean's Award – Physician Assistant Studies: Andrew Hatch and Micala Abbiati
School of Education, Human, and Health Sciences Dean's Award – Occupational Therapy: Brittany Jenkins
Division of Research and Academic Resources Dean's Award: Haleigh Bassett
School of Science and Management Dean's Award: Sara K. Lowe
Thomas G. Carr Award: Aleeta Rampertab
Dr. Jeannette T. Wright Leadership Award: Samantha Rubacha
Carol A. Leary Service Award: Elizabeth Buel
Susanne Churchill Award of Excellence for Women in STEM: Kathryn Coleman