Bay Path Announces Free Tuition Plan for Qualified Pell-Eligible Students

Longmeadow, MA— Recently recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top universities in the Regional Universities North area category to enroll and confer degrees to students awarded Pell Grants, Bay Path University is proud to announce a new initiative for Pell-eligible students entering as undergraduate, residential students in the Fall 2020 class. In support of Bay Path’s mission to empower all women to become leaders in their careers and communities, this program allows Pell-eligible students to overcome financial obstacles that may stand in the way of obtaining their degree.
Students, who as determined by their FAFSA each academic year are eligible to receive a Pell Grant, meet the established grade point minimum requirement, and choose to live on campus, will receive full tuition. This is inclusive of federal and state grants, and Bay Path University grants and scholarships.
“Bay Path University is committed to communicating to students that a college education is possible by giving them the financial resources, support and encouragement to make their dream of a college degree a reality,” Bay Path President Dr. Carol A. Leary shared. “As a first generation college student myself, I understand the barriers that prevent access to education; therefore, we will do everything possible to make college affordable for our students and to help them achieve success.”
Additional information will be available at Bay Path’s Open House on November 24, from 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Longmeadow campus, 588 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, MA. If you are a student or a parent of a student interested in scheduling a campus visit or submitting an application, please contact Bay Path’s Admissions Office at or 413-565-1331. For more information on this initiative and its requirements, please contact Bay Path’s Office of Student Financial Services at 413-565-1256, toll-free at 800-782-7284 ext. 1256, or at
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About Bay Path University
Bay Path University was founded in 1897. With locations in Longmeadow (main), East Longmeadow (Philip H. Ryan Health Science Center), Springfield (MA), Sturbridge (MA), and Concord (MA), Bay Path’s innovative program offerings include traditional undergraduate degrees for women, The American Women's College on-ground and online, the first all-women, all-online accredited bachelor’s degree programs in the country; over 30 graduate programs for women and men, including doctoral degrees; and Strategic Alliances, offering professional development courses for individuals and organizations. Bay Path’s goal is to give students confidence in the fundamentals of their chosen field, the curiosity to question the ordinary, the leadership to show initiative, and the desire to make a difference.