Bay Path to Host Virtual Higher Ed Workshops

Longmeadow, MA – Bay Path University’s Master of Science in Higher Education Administration program will be hosting four Hot Topic virtual workshops to address the issues being addressed by colleges and universities around the country. Industry experts will present on student success, trends in giving, digital engagement, and new program creation. Each workshop is held online, is independent of the other webinars in the series, and is free of charge.
To register, please visit and select the Hot Topic workshop that is of interest.
Making Student Success a Shared Responsibility
Monday, January 27, 2020 at 1:00 pm EST
Presented by Gary Fretwell, Senior Vice President, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
We've all heard the common refrain that "Student retention is everyone's responsibility." But how do we make this phrase a reality by truly institutionalizing it on our own campus?
In this session, VP of student success Gary Fretwell will show participants what it takes to make it happen. By using the right tools, data, planning, and training to clarify responsibilities and enhance student retention, we can realize our campus goal of student success.
Five Key Trends in Higher Education Giving
Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 1:00 pm EST
Presented by Brian Gawor, Vice President, Research, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
Join Brian Gawor, VP of research for this informative and thought-provoking session based on over $40B in higher education giving data to uncover how the ways we approach donors and how they respond are changing.
We’ll discuss the rise of digital engagement, how donors move along the path to major giving, and whether donors down, dollars up is the future for higher education. Hear how giving days and crowdfunding are changing the way we engage donors, along with new ways that schools are using texting, social media, and of course our traditional channels like direct mail.
Amplifying Digital Engagement during the College Search Process
Thursday, April 9, at 2:00 pm EST
Presented by Stephanie Geyer, Vice President, Digital Marketing and Creative Services, Ruffalo Noel Levitz
The high school students you want to recruit spend nine hours a day on their digital devices. This confirms what higher education marketers and administrators have witnessed in recent years: digital engagement is the most important strategy for engaging Generation Z.
But what are the right solutions and strategies to maximize your engagement with this crucial target market? This webinar explores, online search terms, AI and automated chats, student use of email, paid interactive marketing, net cost calculators, text messaging, and other key tools for student recruitment, and differences in preferences between high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors. You'll gain a greater understanding of how to optimize your digital presence across multiple channels and various platforms to boost student engagement with every online interaction.
The Academic Entrepreneur: Leveraging the Campus Context to Discover and Influence New Program Possibilities
Thursday, May 14 at 1:00 pm EST
Presented by Dr. Melissa Morriss-Olson, University Provost, Bay Path University
Successful entrepreneurial academic leaders possess a key understanding about the environmental context in which their institution resides. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by the challenges at hand, the campus context often provides inspiration for these leaders. In this interview with author Dr. Melissa Morriss-Olson we will share highlights from her recently published book on this important and timely topic.
Specifically, you will learn tips and techniques that any academic leader can adopt to create a sense of urgency on his or her own campus as well as to assess and enhance one’s own personal entrepreneurial leadership capabilities; important issues that can hinder your efforts to identify, vet, and operationalize new program ideas and initiatives; and best practices that can be utilized to leverage resources and opportunities, sometimes in surprising and unexpected ways.
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About Bay Path University
Bay Path University was founded in 1897. With locations in Longmeadow (main), East Longmeadow (Philip H. Ryan Health Science Center), Springfield (MA), Sturbridge (MA), and Concord (MA), Bay Path’s innovative program offerings include traditional undergraduate degrees for women, The American Women's College on-ground and online, the first all-women, all-online accredited bachelor’s degree programs in the country; over 30 graduate programs for women and men, including doctoral degrees; and Strategic Alliances, offering professional development courses for individuals and organizations. Bay Path’s goal is to give students confidence in the fundamentals of their chosen field, the curiosity to question the ordinary, the leadership to show initiative, and the desire to make a difference.