Bay Path University Recognized Amongst Best Online Bachelor’s in Health Science Degree Programs

Bay Path University’s Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Science Administration has been named amongst the top 30 online programs in the country, as ranked by
According to the site, bachelor degree programs in health science programs were ranked based on six informational categories: academic excellence, strength of faculty scholarship, reputation, range of degree programs, and strength of online instruction methodology. Bay Path was acknowledged for preparing students to make effective financial and management decisions in a globalized healthcare landscape through flexible online or online-on ground hybrid class options, as well as for their accommodating transfer process.
“The Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration offered through The American Women's College (TAWC) of Bay Path University provides strong preparation to women interested in moving into or enhancing their professional careers in healthcare administration and management,” stated Marjorie R. Bessette, Bay Path’s Academic Director of Health and Nursing for TAWC. “The curriculum prepares graduates to support organizations’ and institutions’ strategic goals and missions through the regulatory landscape and increasingly complex financial challenges of the global healthcare industry.”
When asked what sets the Bay Path program apart from others, Bessette continued, “Faculty at TAWC are currently/actively working in the field and sharing real life experiences. Our noteworthy student success and graduation rates are in part due to our unique and award-winning educational delivery model, Social Online Universal Learning (SOUL), which features an adaptive learning platform and creates a personalized learning environment using data and wrap-around support to fully engage students in their learning.”
The BS in Health Science Administration at Bay Path University offers 100% online or a combination of online and on campus courses, with six different start dates per year. The program has the flexibility to be taken full time or part time, and includes access to mentoring, tutoring, library resources, academic resources, and career services.
In addition to a BS in Health Science Administration, Bay Path University also offers 13 graduate programs in the health sciences field, including master’s degrees in genetic counseling, applied behavior analysis, and physician assistant studies, and master’s and doctoral degrees in nursing and occupational therapy.
To learn more about the health science degrees offered at Bay Path University, please visit