More than 100 Future Occupational Therapists Begin Studies at Bay Path University

Longmeadow, MA—Occupational therapy (OT) is among the most in-demand professions, with a constant, growing need for field professionals. With that fact in mind, it’s no surprise that Bay Path University’s newest cohort of 124 graduate students in occupational therapy came to campus to begin their studies last week from all across the country, representing every New England state, as well as the west coast. The students range in age from 22 to 48, with several making a career change to this field, while others have always seen OT as their path.
The Master of Occupational Therapy at Bay Path University, open to men and women, features courses that build upon the foundation of awareness, knowledge, and skill to prepare students for practice as a generalist. No prior experience or degree in applied health science is required. The 85-credit entry-level program’s accelerated two-year (22-month) schedule includes 24 weeks of full-time fieldwork, providing students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a variety of clinical settings. Students in this program study on campus at the University’s state-of-the-art Philip H. Ryan Health Science Center. Bay Path University also offers undergraduate studies in occupational therapy, as well as a bridge program for graduate-level students with an undergraduate degree in a relevant field. Learn more by visiting our program page.
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About Bay Path University
Bay Path University was founded in 1897. With locations in Longmeadow (main), East Longmeadow (Philip H. Ryan Health Science Center), Sturbridge (MA), and Concord (MA), Bay Path’s innovative program offerings include traditional undergraduate degrees for women, The American Women's College on-ground and online, the first all-women, all-online accredited bachelor’s degree programs in the country; over 25 graduate programs for women and men; and Strategic Alliances, offering professional development courses for individuals and organizations. Bay Path’s goal is to give students confidence in the fundamentals of their chosen field, the curiosity to question the ordinary, the leadership to show initiative, and the desire to make a difference.