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Colors and Fonts

Primary Colors

Name HEX Preview
Black #152027
Dark Blue-Gray #2a3c47
Maroon #6a1e26
Pink (Residential) #cc49b0
Purple (AWC) #724f76
Blue (Graduate) #094d8a
Orange (One Day) #ed5e21
Red #be414f
Mint #bff1e1
Light Blue #88c1ed
Yellow #eff2bf
Gray 1 #494142
Gray 2 #928d8e
Gray 3 #f2f2f2



Kepler bold

The five boxing wizards jump quickly

kepler bold Italic

The five boxing wizards jump quickly

kepler regular

The five boxing wizards jump quickly

kepler italic

The five boxing wizards jump quickly

museo sans
The five boxing wizards jump quickly